Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pisonia Alba

 Height : 3.5 m ( 12 ft)

Height : 1.2 m-1.5 m (4-5 ft)
(jpg format)

Height : 1.2 m-1.5 m (4-5 ft)

Common / local names : 
Hawaiian Papala Kepau, Lachaikottei, Lettuce Tree, Sule Sappu, Kol Banda, Maluko.
Family : Nyctaginaceae

Pisonia Alba Spanoghe ( Nyctaginaceae family) is a popular tropical ornamental plants. It is an evergreen foliage clump. It reaches a height of  3.5  to 7 m. This plant easily recognized because of the broad leaves (10-12" inch length) and pale yellowish green to white color. Planted in good sunlight, the leaves may acquire a light yellow or white color.

Also known by natives as a medical plant.